Education and Workforce Development

NORDTECH’s Call to Action: Workforce Development

Chips are central to US economic prosperity and national security. As the US government and companies invest tens of billions of dollars in microelectronics and semiconductors research, prototyping, and manufacturing, our success hinges on the availability of a well-trained and diverse workforce.

NORDTECH is leading a wholistic approach to address the workforce development challenge. The three pillars of our approach – Exposure, Education, and Experience – are aligned with the Department of Defense Microelectronics Workforce Development Strategic Plan. To be successful, we must expose children and young people to careers in chips and semiconductors, update and develop modern curricula in technical and community colleges and universities, upskill and reskill current workforce, provide experiential learning opportunities, and do much more.

How can you help?  NORDTECH is seeking collaborations with semiconductor industry, foundations, schools, and other entities who share our passion for workforce development. Are you interested in participating in and supporting the many exciting workforce development initiatives at NORDTECH? Please tell us more: Workforce Development Interest Form

For other inquiries please contact us at

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